nix_this Jun 07, 2012 22:31
misanthrope, the goddamn batman, i might be drunk, the incredible bulk is my new thing, can i just burn this thing down already?, aaaaaaargh!, current events, tony fucking stark, chatty chatty chat transcript, busybusybusy, bruce banner can hulk me anytime, what's the opposite of domestic goddess?, reeb evol i, they avenge things ok?, my brain is an asshole, like a fucking gazelle, captain america is a cutie pie, fandom love, oh damn - what was i thinking?, star trek, im going to need a therapy tag, we can't stop here-this is porn country!, i think i'm funny, all of my life decisions have been good, srs bsns, i don't have to explain myself to you!, recs, it's fandom polyamory not adultery, life, random nonsense should be default tag, whine, i can hurt myself standing still, one of those people, sleep is for the weak, awesome flist is awesome, art, silly, science buddies--yay!, not a fucking handyman either, wangst, scotty rocks my body, bruce willis is my totem animal
nix_this May 22, 2012 22:13
fandom love, tony fucking stark, science buddies--yay!, bruce banner can hulk me anytime, you wouldn't like me when i'm horny